Thursday, December 10, 2009

They're Back From War

Dear diary

My son is back, and oh how my heart has been lifted.
My brother didn't make it.
I am so depressed for that reason.
My only hope is that his vision of freedom will
become a reality. Or else he died in vain.
At least I have his necklace to remember him by.
His necklace is a locket with our pictures in it.
It was gold the shape was a heart with energy lines.
When you felt it you would feel our good times.
Oh how I will miss the way he smiled at me.
His smile was the only thing that kept me happy all these years.
And I will miss the way he teased me when we were children.
Those were some wild times back then.
And what will my son do he was the father he never had.
His father died coming home from the market.
The months for my son were dreadful he was only five when it happened.
It is my son I will worry about the most, will he open up to me?
If he doesn't what shall I do.
When he was little we used to have talks out on the deck,
the deck was brown, with a couch and a old rocking chair.
But now the deck is trash from the war.
it was burned down it smells like burnt peace of toast.
I start to wonder, was this all necessary.
I mean the war was it really worth it.
These things are the things are what weigh the most on my mind

I will just have to sow for money I have been told I have a talent.
I mean I can sow very well, bonnets, cliques, dresses you name it.
We barley have enough money for food I don't think we will buy land.
We will have to re build half of every city and we have nineteen city's.
My part in the rebuilding process will be deciding where the buildings go.
As for the land we won I am going to build a dream house.
For next Independence day I am going to celebrate with a party.
With berry's, iced tea, lemonade, and ribs lots and lots of ribs.
When I talked to my son I asked him what did he see,smell, and hear.
He was silent for a moment, then he said in a soft meaningful voice,
"Lots of dead and a whole lot of free men."
And I
know exactly what that means.

Till Next Time

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Off To The War

Day #1

Dear Lizzy,

It's only three days till my son and brother are off to the war against great Britain.

In that time we are going to spend all our time together.
I'm a scared for them.
At lest George Washington will be there to protect them.
I just wish Britain didn't have to be so mean.
I'm going to fight for freedom when my son and brother are off to war.
I'm going to be fighting for the Intolerable Acts to be recalled.
This war needs to happen because we need to have freedom.
I feel mad about all the things that Britain has done to us.
I want to take my son and brother to the beach and watch the sun set, it mite be the last time I get the chance.
I pray every day I get the chance
your friend, Elizabeth

Day #2
Dear Lizzy,
We are at the beach watching the sunset, I wish you could be here.
We will have to go home in a minute.
I really enjoined it.
with love, Elizabeth

Day #3
Dear Lizzy
It's the last day this is the day I've been dreading.
As I pack for him I remember all the good times we had.
As I give my last kiss I say "I love you" I shead a tear and say "good bye."

Your heart broken friend, Elizabeth

Thursday, November 5, 2009

West Africans, what would it be like to be one

I am a West African doing a normal day's work. Crash Boom! What was that sound? It's the white men, they've come to take us away! I've only heard stories about them. What will they do to us?''Hey, hey let go of me !! '' Where am I? Who are these people? 'You're in the Middle Passage,'' a sick scratchy voice says. ''What's going on? Who are you?'' My name is Jojo and I'm a slave and so are you. Those are the words that made me scream. The waves are unbearable. I can't move at all, if I do I'll bump my head." I need to go to the restroom Jojo". "Then go'' says Jojo. By the way Jojo, where are we going? "I have no idea" says Jojo. ''What !! you don't know where we are going?

Nope and niether does anyone else. FINE THEN BE THAT WAY !!!! "Supper! Get it while it's slop" a white man calls out. I got the nerve to say " where are we going?" Everyone looked around in terror. The white man looked shocked. What did you say, magget, an angry voice said. Nothing Mr. Lifegiver sir, everyone shouted. Two years passed and each doing the same thing, get up at who knows what time, transition to rowing, slop time, then bathroom, upchuck, row, bathroom again, and sleep. Shwash splash, woah, woah. Land Ho!!!!!
The white men came in to our part of the ship. They handcuffed us with these wierd, cold metal items. They made us go one by one by one onto the land they call Americo (it is really called America). I have never heard such a strange word as Americo. They said they were slaves, and I didn't know what slaves meant. All I knew was that it was a bad word. I was standing on a cold platform that said "flus for flale" (it really said slaves for sale). Next thing I know the white men are trading papers (dollars) and I ended up in a field of what smelled like tobacco. The man handed us tools that I have never seen before and said some very strange words like "fork", "wow", and "fwip" (work, now, or I will whip you). I didn't know what these strange words meant. How was I supposed to know I was supposed to work, until I saw all the other Africans doing it.
I worked from night to night to night. I am very sore, I ache, and I toss and turn. No matter how much I try, I feel sore - more like sharp shooting pain to me. I miss my wife, Canishe, and my two children. I worry about them every minute of every day. I wonder if I will ever see them again. My body is getting weak from not having enough food. I think I have a better life than the boy next door. Their master has a very strong anger problem. He whips them every three hours because he is mad. Boy, I wish they could be with us. At least they wouldn't have those scars on their backs.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dream Makers vs Dream Breakers

Hi, my name is Emma and I loved the speech, it was very inspiring to me. I think I'm a
Dream Maker, because I try my very hardiest to be a respectful, trustworthy, and hard working student. I want to be a vet when I grow up, but before I do that I have to be a Dream Maker.
And to be a Dream Maker I need to be a Champion. And to be a Champion I need to be a team player, a non-dream breaker and last but not least I need to love my self just the way I am. You can change from a dream breaker to a Dream Maker starting with attitude, and ending with a Champion. The differences between Dream Maker's and dream breakers is very simple one you have to be trustworthy, hard working, respectful, and you have to be a Champion. I was a Dream Maker from fifth-grade to preschool. I set a example for dream breakers to become a Dream Maker when I hold the door, when I say thank you or please, or yes and no sir or madom.

Grateful to have herd you,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sally Sumpkin

Have you ever heard of Astro Boy? Yes? Well, so have I. I have been in my lab creating something like Astro Boy, but it is a girl. So am I. My name you ask? My name is Dr. Emma. The girl Astro Boy's name is Sally Sumpkin. Go ahead, tease. But I don't want anything stupid for her name like "Robotica" , "Astro Girl" or kid Kinesis. For her weapons, she has hair that she can control its growth superfast, like it is 2 feet long one minute, and the next it is 200 feet. She has a couple more items in her. For one, she has beautiful fingernails. But do not be fooled by the redness, they are really lasers. Cool, isn't it? Her core is an ice crystal from the center of the earth. There are only 2 in existence. One is her core. The other is in the lab with other doctors and scientists being studied. It contains massive power!

I created Sally because humans are in a crisis. Machines have taken over the world. Well, all but my lab. Sally was telling me she didn't want to fight, when suddenly my lab was found. Sally was mistaken for a non-robot so we were locked in the same cell. Swiftly, Sally knocked the cell door down and used her ice breath to freeze the guards for just enough time to escape the cell. But I was not fast enough so I was caught by back-up guards. I told Sally to go without me because she could do it by herself. I was locked away in a cold and wet cell. It smelled gross, too. I was scanning the floor for food when I saw an old nail file and concluded that if I filed hard enough at all the bars at the window that I would be free.

Sally went to Alaska and tried to hide from the machines. But as you know, they took over the world. Then she tried Paris, England, and all the other places, when she finally reached the south pole and came to her senses. She went to my lab and asked three of my other inventions that I created to help her in her quest. The first invention is a robot dog named Devin. The other invention is a heat-ray but it has arms and legs. The third invention is an ice beam with legs and arms. Sally was the leader of this little group. So they set off.

Sally was very scared when she was in a battle with two of the evil machines. Sally directed her lasers to an abandoned building to distract the machines, while the ice beam froze the robots. The heat-ray melted the robots together. Soon Sally was up against the head of the evil things. It looked like a brain in a big glass bubble. Sally was quick. She used her lasers to blind the evil thing. But, the Evil Thing has 100 times Sally's hearing. She used her hair to contain it and her ice breath to freeze it that way. But it was to strong, Sally could not contain it. ''That was it'' sally thought and with that sally told Devin to chew the tentacols on the big brain, she told the ice beam to ame for the glass bubel with all his mite, she also told heat- ray to sit tite. And with all her breath she blue and blue and blue till it was coverd in ice. Finely it was over Sally and the little grop won, all of the humes were let go and every thing went back normel. As for Sally she went to Teaxs for the summer with me and we lived happy ever after

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tearing Off your labels

Be your self do'n - do do. do it you own way do'n - do do. Be your self do'n do do. do it your own way do'tn do do. do'tn do do. Tear off your labels Tear off your labels (wispers) yeay
You gota be your sel el el elf tear off your labels

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fair Day

I started on the hard, cold floor after I woke up there.Then I went to the bathroom like any old day.I went down stairs to get some refreshing orange juice, but we didn't have any so I got ice cold milk.

I came into the hot living room and watched a funny movie called''Monsters VS Aliens.'' The monsters won of course. Susan is a giant because some radioactive material hit her in the face. She has white hair, blue eyes, a friendly smile, but has no idea how to use her super strength. The government gave her a new name, and it is Ginormica. Bob has one big eye, a very big mouth, and no brain. He fell in love with green jello that has fifteen pineapple chunks on the inside. The next monster is called Missing Links but nobody knows why. He breathes through gills but can stay above water for long periods of time, and he has a mermaid tail. He thinks he is all tough, but he is really not. The last monster is CochRoacha. He is a human-size roach that is really a mad scientist who had a bad accident in a lab.

After I watched the funny movie, I did chores like unloading the clean dishes from the dishwasher, washing dirty laundry, cleaned my filthy room, and then I blogged and blogged and blogged and blogged in till my tired fingers could not type any more.I ate my dad's famous fish it was of the chang!! It was crunchy, golden-brown, and served with fried potatoes and onions in cube form. Then I just fell . . . . .zzzzzzzzz

Friday, September 25, 2009

What it looks and sounds like to be respectful, trustworthy and thougtful student

What does it look and sound like to be a respectful, trustworthy and thoughtful student? A thoughtful student looks like they are helping a friend up when they fall, and does not laugh. A thoughtful student offers to help. A respectful student has eye to eye contact when they are speaking because then you know they are actually listenting. A respectful students says "excuse me" when they want to interrupt and doesn't speak when you are speaking. To be trustworthy, you will not be heard spreading secrets about someone. When the teacher leaves, a trustworthy student looks like they keep doing their assignment, not playing around. When I don't talk when my teacher leaves the classroom, I feel trustworthy. When I haven't talked when my teacher was talking, I was being respectful.

Why are plants and algae important in an aquarium

I'm wrote that title because I like to ask things. Well to ancer my qusten,its important to have
plants in an aquarium because if you have living things in the aquarium they need some way to
eat well thats all for now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ecostyms day 3

Our criketes died that is a bumer. Our fish are still alive that's grate! The duckwed and lodae are
mostly alive thats kind of good.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ecosystems - How We Depend On Each Other

Yesterday we learned that we all depend on each other to live. Let me explain. We made a aquariums and terrariums. We put mosquito fish in our aquariums and two aquatic snails. The snails were icky and gooey. I didn't really like them as much as the fish but they were still cool. We put grass in our terrarium and seeds and rolly pollies. I picked the baby one. We made connectors out of 2 liter soda bottles and we connected the aquarium and the terrarium. The terrarium went on top and the aquarium went on the bottom. We made everything out of soda bottles so we had to do something with the openings of the bottles. The water that accumulates in the terrarium drips into the aquarium. We watered the soil in the terrarium to make the water drip. We water the soil every day. The water does not evaporate from the aquarium. Let me give you a few pointers on how to make the terrarium/aquarium, which is also called an ecosystem. First, you have to pick which animals you would like. Nothing too big, nothing too small, something just right. Second, you have to choose whether you want underwater or overwater like we did in the classroom. Third, you will have to make sure you know what they need to survive. Next, if you choose underwater then you need to know what they need to survive. You have to choose containers for them to live in. If the animals are small, you have to make the habitat just their size. If they are big you have to make their habitat bigger than a small habitat. The size of the habitat has to be appropriate for the size of the animals. Finally, you need to make sure you have everything that they need and just start building. I hope you have a fun time! Bye.